
Thank you for your interest in us.

Before you proceed to the application process, we invite you to review our college acceptances. While we are happy that 100% of our students are accepted to college, we are even happier that so many later report that they found the right fit and were equipped with the academic and social excellence required to take advantage of it.
Nansha College Preparatory Academy Admissions Office
No.8 Weili Road, Nansha
Guangzhou, China 511458

    +86 20-8521-5488 
    +86 20-8521-5836


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Our Admissions Process

Step 1: Take a Campus Tour
Schedule a campus tour, which are given on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30 PM, by calling our admissions office at 020-8521-5488 or clicking here.

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2024-2025 Tuition and Fees

  • Tuition:

    • High School RMB 248,000/School Year
    • Middle School RMB 218,000/School Year
  • Boarding and Catering Fees:

    • RMB 45,800/School Year (Room for 4 without weekend)
    • RMB 55,700/School Year (Room for 4 with weekend) 
  • Uniforms: RMB 3,800 
  • Optional: Weekend school bus transportation available, price depends on route

** In case of a conflict between the information listed on this website and the details listed in the enrollment package along with your Offer Letter, the latter shall always govern.

Exam Syllabus (G9 English) 

Format and content 

The exam includes a computer-based test and an interview.

The computer-based test lasts for 80 minutes. It mainly evaluates the candidates' ability of Use of English (grammar and vocabulary) and Listening. The type of questions are multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank. The test is computer adaptive, which means that the test adjusts the difficulty of questions based on the student’s responses.

The interview lasts for 10-15 minutes, and the teachers will conduct one-on-one interviews. The interviewer will make an individual comprehensive assessment based on the candidates' communication skills and enthusiasm for learning.


Exam Syllabus (G9 Math) 

Format and content

Written Examination in bilingual. It requires the examinee to present the complete deduction and mathematical proceeding of each question on the paper. Examinee can refer to the following knowledge nodes:

  1. Algebraic expressions, including their basic calculation, such as multiplication and division
  2. Equation and simultaneous equation
  3. Inequality and simultaneous inequality
  4. Quantitative analysis in the daily situation problems, such as their applications
  5. Factorization of polynomials, including quadratic functions
  6. Functions and their graphs: linear and quadratic functions, inverse functions, and how to sketch the graph of a given function
  7. Geometry in 2 dimensions, such as the equation of lines, gradients and intercepts; also the trigonometry
  8. Geometry in three dimensions, including the volume and the surface area of spheres, cones, cylinders and cubes
  9. Statistics and Probability, such as basic calculation involving mean/average, median and mode, and some simple probabilities



NCPA 常见问题解答

Q1. NCPA师资配备如何?

在质量上,NCPA所有海外职位招聘都是由美国国际学校管理机构(ISS)负责。ISS的办学原则是保证资质,保证教学质量。NCPA的每位外籍教师都具有西方大学的学士或硕士学位,他们不仅在其教学学科内具有教学经验,而且具有丰富的国际教学及教授英语非母语学生的经验。AP课程老师具备相关的AP教学经验。NCPA的老师都会接受为期四周的校内专业培训,并会定期到校外参加其学科领域的Professional Development(专业培训)。


Q2. 新生英语能力通常处于基础阶段,如何保证学生能与外教沟通,学习?



Q3. 家长如何与学校沟通学生的情况,并了解学校的新动态?

其一,家长可通过PowerShool系统了解学生学习进展及情况,也可通过系统发送邮件给任课老师,TA会翻译来往邮件;其二,家长可预约任课老师进行面对面会议;其三,微信公众号及学校官网发布学生参加校内校外活动的相关报道;其四,学校定期组织家长参与性的活动,如公开课,教育展等;其五,家长可报名成为家长志愿者委员会的一员,定期来校开会;其六;学校会发送每日公告(Daily Bulletin)到家长邮箱,从中可获取学校的新动态;最后,每个学期结束后学校会组织家长到学校,让学生们就自己的学习情况向家长做一个汇报,即学生主导会议。


Q4. NCPA课程设置中的大学升学服务具体是怎样操作的?有具体的计划让孩子做好大学申请准备吗?



G9- 学习如何设定自己的目标、发掘兴趣和培养技能;为高中及大学建立坚实的学术基础

G10- 职业拓展与规划;准备PSAT考试

G11- 开始将高校与职业目标、个人兴趣和技巧、考试成绩(AP、托福、PSAT和SAT/ACT)进行匹配,选出适合自己的高校;该年度的春季,同学们将着手准备大学申请材料(建立申请账号、攥写个人陈述草稿等)。进修AP课程的同学们将会在G10/G11/G12的春季进行AP测试

G12- 着重于高校秋季申请及注意申请截止时间;做好高校过渡准备


Q5. NCPA往届毕业生的录取情况如何?


在录取院校名录中,约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)、莱斯大学(Rice University)、西北大学卡塔尔分校(Northwestern University in Qatar)、南加州大学(University of Southern California)、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)、加州大学系统院校(University of California)、密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)、纽约大学(New York University)、布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University)、佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)、波士顿学院(Boston College)、东北大学(Northeastern University)等美国TOP 50综合性大学录取了众多NCPA学生。

以博雅教育著称的文理学院与专业类大学也向我们的毕业生们递来了橄榄枝,如美国TOP10文理学院卡尔顿学院(Carleton College)、明德学院(Middlebury College),史密斯学院(Smith College)、巴纳德学院(Barnard College)、科尔比学院(Colby College)、科尔盖特大学(Colgate University)等;世界顶尖艺术类大学罗德岛设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design)、帕森斯艺术学院(Parsons School of Design)等;世界顶尖音乐学院伯克利音乐学院(Berklee College of Music);顶尖商学院巴布森学院(Babson College)等。

除美国本土院校外,NCPA毕业生们还收到了来自中国香港地区香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)、香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)等,加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)、不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)、多伦多大学(University of Toronto)等,英国爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh)、伦敦艺术大学(University of the Arts London)等,澳大利亚墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)、悉尼大学(University of Sydney)等,瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院(EHL)等不同国家知名院校的录取。


Q6. NCPA的高中文凭具有怎样的价值?



Q7. NCPA完成四年高中课程是否意味着不需要参加SAT/ACT此类考试,便可直接进入大学学?



Q8. NCPA的学习与国内传统高中相比有什么区别?

  1. 课程设置:作为一所纯美式中学,NCPA的课程是根据美国标准课程(Common Core)设置的。课程由必修课与选修课组成,必修课是硬性规定要上的,选修课则是学生根据自己的兴趣选择。老师也会灵活安排教学活动,制定教学策略。
  2. 英语语言能力培养:NCPA采用英语浸入式教学方式,将英语学习融入到不同学科内容中,有助于学生在掌握学术内容的同时,学习到更丰富的学术语言。NCPA的目标是让每一位毕业生都成为精通中英双语的学者。
  3. 导师制:NCPA专门设立导师处,导师们提供的服务主要有三个方面:学术、个人及社交、升学及未来职业规划。导师们会跟学生进行单独的交流或小组交流,将NCPA的学习目标及价值观具体化,帮助他们在人生各个方面取得成功;根据学生们的学业、社交等方面的需求设置advisory课程;为学生提供升学指导,提供AP、托福、雅思、SAT、ACT考试信息及准备材料。NCPA每年都会在校内举行多场大学招生会,将世界各地的大学带到学生面前。
Nansha College Preparatory Academy
No.8 Weili Road, Nansha
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 511458
Office Tel: +86 20 3468 3339
Fax: +86 20 3468 3528
Tel: +86 20 8521 5488

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Nansha College Preparatory Academy
180 Gang Qian Boulevard, Nansha
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 511458
Office Tel: +86 20 3468 3339
Fax: +86 20 3468 3528
Tel: +86 20 8521 5836 / 8521 5488

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